The Rickettsial investigation has to be completed by the following blood tests.
In every single case, systematically as explained above
Activation of rickettsia and rickettsial-like infections will be the cause of the symptoms.
Activation of rickettsia and rickettsial-like infections will be the cause of the symptoms.
No, except through the placenta from mother to child. Also to mention here that the transmission of Q fever has been described as happening from human to human.
Like in the case of any other chronic infection (syphilis, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, bilharzias, aids, herpes, shingles etc.) patients will remain infected but will be able to manage the infection.
When patients are asymptomatic and when the blood test concerning the differing organic functions and auto-immune factors are normalised. Maintenance treatment is advised to patients that have been presenting auto-immune factors.
Oxygen therapy, ionized air and ozone therapy are not considered as a great help because intra-cellular germs are acting like a screen between the blood and the tissue. I have not much experience of hyperbaric therapy as access to it is not easy in South Africa. Le Gag reported in 1986 some success using it for MS. Hyperbaric therapy has been assumed to activate cancer.
Depending on what type of detoxification; during the treatment, sauna or hot baths are important, as well as a large intake of water; the objective being to rid the body of particles of antigens released by the antibiotic. A liver booster is advised in case of liver disorder
Rickettsia produces CFS. CFS patients are tired and spend their life resting. Exercise is not undertaken and obesity could be a result. They are also looking for energy in food. On the other hand many CFS patients are either normal or even thin.
This is a side-effect of antibiotics. Also CFS patients, due to their poor vascularisation, will be more sensitive to any light.
According to my personnel experience, vitamins are important in presence of digestive problems with a limitation of normal food absorption. The same applies for athletes and for pregnant women. I have not done any research on vitamins because my patients recover well on antibiotherapy. I would not be confident to use vitamins or any other supplement in presence of germs as this could contribute to its growth.
The sulpha group, as they enhance the growth of rickettsia in guinea pigs. So does magnesium. Vitamin A and E are to be avoided because of their tendency to produce intra cranial micro-hemorrhages.
To minimise Herxheimer reaction increase your intake of water. Regular daily exercise for short periods of time will help the circulation of your toxins and hot baths will expel them through the skin.