The diagnosis of chronic co-infections opens 4 windows:

1. The patient’s history: exposure, contacts, travels, traumas …

2. The patient’s symptoms: fatigue is almost always present

3. The patient’s physical examination:
Three signs to be investigated:

4. The patient’s blood test:
Serology will inform us about the presence of antibodies related to different infections in the blood of a patient. As we all are germ carriers, we need to validate the activities of the antibodies by the presence of dysfunctions. If the dysfunctions looked for are not found, the parasite could be dormant and treatment should not be prescribed.
The blood test can be compared to a photo – one second vision- as opposed to a video – over a period of time. It can only reveal what is passing in the blood taken by a syringe at this specific time given, only screening ±20 cc of blood out of 5 liters.
One germ is normally not enough to impair the immune system. Furthermore, those germs are symbiotic, completing each other at the enzymatic level to create dysfunction within the patient!

4.1. Infections:
The Rickettsial investigation has to be completed by the following blood tests:
Rickettsial Infection ( Prowazeki, Mooseri, Conori and Coxiella Burnetti)
Chlamydiae pneumoniae and trachomatis
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Borreliosis or Lyme disease
Helicobacter Pylori

4.2. Dysfunctions:
FBC and ESR (anaemia, white cell count ↑ or ↓ and the same concerning platelets)
LFT (the liver toxicity of the above germs is common)
Protein electrophoresis (giving us a reading of the immune system condition functioning too low, too high or normal)
Thyroid functions ( T3 and T4 )
Thyroid antibodies (Hashimoto frequency as a start of this condition)
Auto immune factors such as CRP, RF, ANF, CK, Cardiolipines
Iron studies ( elevated ferritin and decreased % of saturation)
Cholesterol – often part of an inflammatory scenery
Glucose – as a routine exercise
IgE activated by the germs activities as foreign bodies in the human body

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